The Richmond Carvers Society is open to new members from beginner to expert and we would be delighted to have you join our club. There Is no age limit but youth under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. We meet every Wednesday evening at Hugh McRoberts School 8980 Williams Road Richmond B.C. from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. (only when the school is in session, see our calendar for upcoming dates and events).
Individuals $45 Family $55
We welcome prospective members to come to a meeting to meet the people and observe members carving their projects. At the same time we have some carving knives that we can let you use during the evening to try your hand at carving before deciding to join.
Joining is simple:
Click here to download a copy of the Membership Application.
Complete the application and mail it with your cheque (payable to Richmond Carvers Society) to:
Richmond Carvers Society
10440 Whistler Place
Richmond , BC V7C 4C5
Benefits of becoming a member
Weekly carving sessions:
Weekly meetings provide a chance to meet with fellow carvers and learn and share new techniques. There is always someone around happy to give advice and help.
Carving courses and seminars:
We hold a number of seminars on different kinds of projects led by an experienced member throughout the year.
We have a wide selection of books and magazines which provide patterns and ideas for new projects. These may be borrowed for a few weeks as necessary.
We publish a monthly newsletter which keeps members in touch with events and activities.
Annual Show:
During the last week in May we hold a major juried carving competition. The show features carvings from novice to expert and attracts carvers from all over. Members along with the general public as well as collectors attend.
Liaison with other Clubs:
We stay in contact with other Canadian and US wood carving clubs and participate in carving show standards and judging standards committees with other area clubs.
Community Relations:
We actively participate in the community though local arts councils and other organizations to promote the appreciation of woodcarving as a hobby and art form.
Social Events:
We have a number of social events during the year including an end of season pot luck dinner and auction.